Thursday, April 3, 2008

Theories of the Bermuda Triangle

One of the main theories, involves waterspouts and freak waves. Both of these can explain alot about the disappearances of planes and ships. The waterspouts (tornadoes that hit the water), which causes huge cyclones. Freak waves can range up to 100 feet tall, and come out of no where. These waves are big enough to cause ships to easily sink. They have figured out this theory, becuase there are 9 other areas just like the bermuda triangle. They are busy waterways where many ships disappear. All have deep trenches which can sink ships by the huge whirlpools.
Some people blame aliens on the disappearances of the ships. They believe that UFO's come down and suck up all of the people in the ships and the planes. They think that once the aliens have taken all the people they put the ships and planes some where in another dimenson. Aliens take the people back to their planet to study them.
There are a bunch of different theories regarding the Bermuda Triangle. Some of the theories range from currents, compass variation, aliens, human error, man made energy field, and topography of the ocean floor.

Bermuda Triangle.(2006) Theories of the Bermuda Triangle. Retrieved April 3, 2008, from

-Rebecca Bryan

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